Leading the Kids

Our community group is not just for the adults, but it is also for the kids. We want to talk to them about the Bible and Jesus. We want to equip them to be on mission as well. They are a part of our community group family too; so, let's get them in on some discussion. Let's disciple them. Let's care for them. Let's make sure they know they are part of this group too.

Most of the activities below can be led by one of the elementary age children who can read well (suggest 2nd grade & up). This helps the children feel ownership and feel like a member of the community group.

Activity Kid Led? Notes
10m Highs-Lows Yes If a child is leading this, adults can be preparing the video, activity/craft, etc.
5m Read Big Picture Yes Read the Big Picture from the curriculum.
10m Tell the Story Yes Either retell the story, play the video, or read the story from the Biggest Story Book.
5m Gospel Connection No Read the Gosepl Connection from the curriculum. Point the kids to how this story relates to Jesus.
15m Discuss the Story/Activities Yes Go over the story questions while the kids are working on the activity page or craft.
15m Freetime/Instructor's Choice Yes