Expectations of the Community Group Leaders (Bryan & Saleena)

  1. We are available to talk/pray with you
  2. We will be praying for you
  3. We will be trying to regularly meet 1:1 w/ each family throughout each semester
  4. We will setup events & activities outside of group to live life out together / invite you into our rhythms in life
  5. What we discuss in community group stays in community group (not including any abusive, harmful sin)
  6. Our kitchen is available for use when you have the main meal

Expectations of a Community Group Member

  1. Communicate when you are or are not coming - can be as simple as collaborating on the #family_meal Slack channel
  2. If you need help setting up Slack notifications, please let us know; we can help
  3. Contribute something towards our shared meal each week if possible
  4. If you are bringing the main meal, please arrive early
  5. Be here on time

Expectations of the Community Group Members Leading the Kiddos

  1. Two non-related adults must be with the kids at all times
  2. If a kid needs to be sent upstairs & will need help with the potty, text the parent or Saleena/Bryan upstairs (Saleena can come fill in)
  3. Kids should not come back for seconds on food or water during discussion time; they need to gather their supplies before discussion time starts

Expectations of the Community Group Kiddos

  1. Hands to yourself
  2. When we say "Give me 5" and raise our hands, you need to stop talking and listen
  3. Be respectful of others when they are talking
  4. No throwing things (please try to keep balls in our yard)
  5. No rough housing
  6. No going past the barriers in the basement
  7. No going upstairs to the second floor/bedrooms - those are off limits